Love is Orange in Colour III: My Pharisaic Advocate

Disclaimer Alert: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

You know one of the best things about life I have come to learn in my twenty-something years? The fact that someone is impatiently thinking about you; it kind of gives you the urge to want to exist, even if this relationship with you dear reader is digitally defined. I loathe technology just as much as I cannot dread to live without it.

I understand I owe you an explanation on why I have been away for some time. I have been in therapy, and no I am not demented. I promised you an-average-guy-seeking-love manifesto; sadly, I cannot share it yet because my shrink thinks I am someone who has potential and should not consider himself as average. So, there is no manifesto, at least for now.

You know therapies are supposed to make you better and happy, but mine seems to be depressing me more. I don’t honestly get it why Suzie thinks this is a better step for our failing what-she-calls-relationship. Maybe it is depressing because I have to really work hard and be miserable not to feel alone. Has anyone of you ever been in that situation? No, I bet not; this is the life you reserve for people who see shrinks because they slept with someone they wanted to and it pissed off the other person who does not want to lose them. People put so much of a big deal in something that has become the modern god; sex, sex, and sex. Tell me, what is it about it that has never crossed your mind? I can share my ten-piece here, but that would make me less appealing. Continue reading “Love is Orange in Colour III: My Pharisaic Advocate”

Love is Orange in Colour II: My Misdemeanour’s Apprentice

Disclaimer Alert: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

Sometimes I tend to question my integrity, but not really in everything that I have to do. Tonight though is exceptional, and I am beginning to think that I deserve the worst after the choices I have been making of late. By of late I mean in the last.. wait a minute I am smart, so this should not be hard, how many days has it been since January 1st? I hate mathematics, and I hate everything to do with numbers, I hate my age because it continuously alarms me that I am growing old and I have not made sense of my life. Even before I finish imagining that my birthday is coming soon, I am reminded that this is the fifth cigarette I am smoking today and it is barely noon. Continue reading “Love is Orange in Colour II: My Misdemeanour’s Apprentice”

Life is a Silent Death

Often he heard of the knock before the welcome
As always his sun was often up before morning
Youth he was that chaseth all he deserved
And elderly he had grown to forget all he loved
Life is lived by the edges of the blinking hearts

Mock him today as he toils the land for tomorrow
Saying that we live once as if today shall cease Continue reading “Life is a Silent Death”